The sixth satisfactory update adds a boombox with a bass increase that will melt bees.

Turn up the bass with the latest Satisfactory update, which is currently available for the early access construction game. Update 6 also features new creature AI, a revamped Spire Coast, new ammunition types, and much more. It has been bouncing around in the experimental branch for a long.

The boombox comes first, as seen in the adorable teaser for "Say Anything" below. It has a secret ability: bass boost. You may use it to play music that you find on audio cassettes that you find wherever. Coffee Stain claims that you may activate that for some unexpected consequences, some of which seem to involve swarms of enraged bees completely dissolving.

There are additional body equipment slots included in Update 6. You'll have slots for your head, body, legs, and back in addition to the one slot that has been managing everything up until now. This will allow you to wear almost any type of body armor on the market.

For all ranged weapons, there are new sorts of ammo, to speak of tools. These include items like homing rifle rounds and a mini-nuke, so this patch covers a wide variety of mayhem.

The Spire Coast has also been completely reworked in Update 6, and the Swamp biome has also undergone some changes to make it yuckier and swampier.